Homebrewers Board Game


Well-Known Member
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Established Member
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
Rosedale, MD
Just found out I'm able to join this kickstarter a little late, and I'm superpumped about it. Their brewery board game was pretty good quality and fun, and the homebrew version looks even better. The "computer" player is even named Charlie P.! January can't come soon enough


p.s. this isn't spam, the kickstarter's closed :cool:
Just found out I'm able to join this kickstarter a little late, and I'm superpumped about it. Their brewery board game was pretty good quality and fun, and the homebrew version looks even better. The "computer" player is even named Charlie P.! January can't come soon enough


p.s. this isn't spam, the kickstarter's closed :cool:
Looks the good Jim thanks for bringing it here to the forums for us to check out. I cant play ATM "their upgrading our internet here on Palmwoods" meaning crap all MB/second hardly can load a pic but will check it out when "they" get their s#$t together:).
Looks pretty cool! Can you play alone :D:p
They do have a 2 player game with a third fake player. I somewhat lurk on a board game forum, give it time and someone there will work out a single player variant
I backed this, and am looking forward to playing it. I had promised not to back any kickstarters this year, but I couldn't resist the theme! Plus I like the company.
I backed this, and am looking forward to playing it. I had promised not to back any kickstarters this year, but I couldn't resist the theme! Plus I like the company.
Yeahhhh...i also backed this record read along comic book recently. Guy's got a great track record and I love his other stuff...couldnt resist
Looks like they're ahead of schedule a little bit, so may have this game come summertime

@rolandblais, saw you commented on their recent update. Even with a small pic, i couldn't miss the green hair :)
