10 years brewing and lost my first batch today.


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Feb 3, 2018
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Something had to happen sooner or later. After 10 years of brewing, never had a dumper or lost a batch to the elements, harsh as they can be here in western Nevada.

Unseasonably nice day in the low '60s and a great day to brew. Everything went as planned until it was time to transfer to the fermenter. Had shut down the pump and let the wort settle out while still running water through the IC. Had checked for leaks when I turned the water on and everything was good.

Carried the sanitized fermenter out and saw the patio was flooded with foamy liquid. The kettle was overflowing; Knew right away what had happened. The hose had popped off of the inlet of the IC. I just laughed, knowing that after 10 years I'd been pushing my luck for quite a while.

Just glad I wasn't brewing inside or would be singing soprano for sure:)
That immersion chiller will work quicker if you stir during chilling. ;)

Yep, I did that for years before Starting to recirculate. Chilling time is about the same, but being right there would have caught the problem early. Would have likely still lost the batch but the mess would have been smaller.
I see now. It hadn’t occurred to me to recirculate like that for chilling. Maybe I’ll try that. I’m a basement brewer, so I hope I never flood! There is a floor drain kinda close by.
I think it's time to buy a flaring tool and put a bubble in the inlet end of the IC copper tubing to keep the problem from happening again. And yes, it's nice to be able to do some cleanup while the wort is chilling. Cuts almost 1/2 hour off of the brew day.
Something had to happen sooner or later. After 10 years of brewing, never had a dumper or lost a batch to the elements, harsh as they can be here in western Nevada.

Unseasonably nice day in the low '60s and a great day to brew. Everything went as planned until it was time to transfer to the fermenter. Had shut down the pump and let the wort settle out while still running water through the IC. Had checked for leaks when I turned the water on and everything was good.

Carried the sanitized fermenter out and saw the patio was flooded with foamy liquid. The kettle was overflowing; Knew right away what had happened. The hose had popped off of the inlet of the IC. I just laughed, knowing that after 10 years I'd been pushing my luck for quite a while.

Just glad I wasn't brewing inside or would be singing soprano for sure:)

We feel your pain Bob:(... Ok now on to the next brew:)!
I started in 2010 and I now pull out the mop before I touch a valve on the system. If you can spill it it's been done in my brewery.
Hears one to the brew that could have been! 20180217_171047_resized.jpg
I'm really not complaining. As much as I have brewed while beer impaired, it's way overdue :) I'm not drinking because of it, rather because I can :)
That sux BOB they say a watched pot never boils but as soon as you leave it something is bound to happen.
Thanks. I have another brew day planned for next Wednesday. Hopefully, it will be a success. Like I said, one fail in 10 years is OK.
That sux BOB they say a watched pot never boils but as soon as you leave it something is bound to happen.
Yep.... “A watched pot never boils, and a watched pot never boils over”
