How will this affect Brewer's Friend?

Remember the VIC-20? You hooked it up to your tv. Book that came with it showed you how to create a space alien game.
Still have it in the closet, with video controllers and a cassette tape recorder with other games.
Oh the old Commodore VIC-20. Worked for hours to write a program to make a stick man walk.
Oh the old Commodore VIC-20. Worked for hours to write a program to make a stick man walk.
Had a TRS 80, stored programs on a cassette tape. Before that I wrote programs on punch cards. They ran in a batch and a misplaced comma would generate pages of mostly useless error messages.
What about Q Basic ? I remember using this to muck around with programming as a kid. I take my hat off to computer programmers it's like a whole different language!
You guys are so old !
I remember our school computer lab had 3 commodore 64 to share , we couldn't afford one at home but we did have a betamax VCR .

Kind of staggering that my current phone would have been military grade computing power not that long ago and its a cheap throwaway
What about Q Basic ? I remember using this to muck around with programming as a kid. I take my hat off to computer programmers it's like a whole different language!
Quick Basic was the first language I used that gave a quick answer. It was so amazing, your program ran and gave you results without the grad student running your stacks through the reader.
