Roast your own!

We make our own cheese occasionally, like to grow veggies and plan to get some chickens next year... I like to smoke my own salmon, too! All that and homemade ale? Talk about self-sufficient!
BTW, TB, when the nukes start flyin' and we're all goin' off grid, I'm paddling my upturned Honda down to Golden Beach, where I know I can still get crystal malt - DIY Aussie style!
There ya go thirsty one of my hens up close and personal haha:p. You could do smoked malt with your salmon mMM. My crystal has been roasting since 12 ish and its 430 here!
Alrighty my "crystal malt" is done I soaked this for 5 hours and all up about 5 hours in Webber Q on lowest heat, when chewing on grains I'm tasting sweet caramily raisins the colour is darker then yesterday's malt more brown than Amber so there is a few lovibond in this one any suggestions about how many? I'll leave this for two weeks if I can and brew up An ale with it and post up the test tube and beer once she's done . Thanks for all your advice everyone. Cheers!

Oh and Ozark's I've split open the grains and they are a pale brown throughout and crunchy to bite I just gotta stop chewing on them now :D
About 800g all up can't wait to ash her in and make some beer out of it :D
Do let us know how it comes out.

And BTW, what variety of hens are those? I thought only roosters had combs and waddles...

(sounds like a buddy cop show - Combs and Waddles :D)
Do let us know how it comes out.

And BTW, what variety of hens are those? I thought only roosters had combs and waddles...

(sounds like a buddy cop show - Combs and Waddles :D)
Australorps they are great layers them girls just the two they keep me and missus fed with eggs. I think they are an Aussie breed. You should definitely get some though they are the perfect back yard garbage disposal unit:D all the kitchen scraps go straight to them then they repay you with some eggs! Win win situation ;)
Oh and I forgot to mention they absolutely love the spent barley grains after mashing another win win situation :)
Ok now for the fun part putting these grains into action and formulating a recipe!:p I really do need everyone's help on this one as I'm in uncharted territory on this one :rolleyes:.A I've never used,roast malts in brew before. B I'm not even sure what category my home made crystal/roast malts falls into. C unsure of lovibond.

For some reason Schwarzbier came to mind a dark roasts malty lager? At least that's what I think that style is anyway. So I created a recipie called Sch its Schwarzy I don't know how to link it here but it's in recipes list under international dark lager.

I really just want a grist to try out my roast malt on and gathering my stock of pils malt that's why I chose a dark lager style. It will probably fit more neatly into Octoberfest style. Anyhow I look forward to any feed back I can get cheers!
I really just want a grist to try out my roast malt on and gathering my stock of pils malt that's why I chose a dark lager style. It will probably fit more neatly into Octoberfest style. Anyhow I look forward to any feed back I can get cheers!

If you want to show off the roast malt you made, maybe keep the other ingredients simple? Nothing but Pils for the rest of the malt bill and some non-obtrusive hops. Maybe use about 10% of your roast malt?
after looking at your recipe, that's kind of what I was thinking, but minus all the specialty malts
yes just your base grain and your roasted grain, a couple of pounds of the roasted grain the rest base in a 5.5 gallon batch would work
Cheers I was wondering about the special b it will mask what the roast malt tastes like. So around 10% roast? I had the Carahell in there for head retention so might keep this in for that. Thanks again for your sound advice. I'll drop the Munich and special b and maybe change to 100g of carapils for head.
sounds like a plan, that way you know what this grain will do for you, later maybe change it some
sounds like a plan, that way you know what this grain will do for you, later maybe change it some
Yea so I adjusted my grain to pils the roast crystal 80 I think it is. And I put 200g of the first roast I did in it too. I think that's more like 45 lovibond as the kernels are more golden:). I changed to an ale yeast with wlp090 but this yeast ferments real clean so it will not get in the way of the roast. And I left balanced water profile. Kept hops as is and boil for 90 just for colour.
I would stick to using just one home-roasted malt for the first batch. That way, once it's finished, you can compare the color you get to the little picture in the recipe builder tool. Change the Lovibond of the Crystal in the recipe until the color matches your brew, and Voila! You have the Lovibond of your home roast!!
I would stick to using just one home-roasted malt for the first batch. That way, once it's finished, you can compare the color you get to the little picture in the recipe builder tool. Change the Lovibond of the Crystal in the recipe until the color matches your brew, and Voila! You have the Lovibond of your home roast!!
Ok I ditched my pailer roast upped my pils and threw in 100g of carapils just for head retention just in case my crystal roast malt doesn't have any head retentive qualities :p.
Looking at the pic of that roast malt it looks pretty brownish I've got a faint inkling it may turn out brown lol
