They drop a ball in New York City but.....

Ward Chillington

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Mar 24, 2018
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what do they do to ring in the New Year where you are?

Pennsylvanians have a lot of funny traditions to mark the big event and maybe claim their fame with a 5 second spot on local TV...... Here's some of my faves..

In Dillsburg they drop a 300 pound Pickle....get it? Pickle...DILLsburg??
The city of Lebanon drops a 100 pound roll of bologna (Lebanon Bologna is a regional favorite lunch meat....think smokey and sweet). Gotta be local to get that one.
Hershey, home of America's favorite chocolate bar, they raise a giant Hershey Kiss...see what they did there???
Gettysburg is starting a new tradition with an oversized stove pipe hat....think Abraham Lincoln...
Mechanicsburg drops a wrench
Harrisburg, the state capital, does something (raises or lowers that is), with a giant strawberry....I still haven't figured that one out other than it happens next to the capital complex on an area called Strawberry Square. Why? Idunno!
Scranton drops a block of coal...maybe they should drop a box of Dunder-Mifflin paper instead?
There are a few other less imaginative entries but nevertheless, goofy local imitations of the long standing Time Square tradition. So what about where you are? Anything with beer?
what do they do to ring in the New Year where you are?

Pennsylvanians have a lot of funny traditions to mark the big event and maybe claim their fame with a 5 second spot on local TV...... Here's some of my faves..

In Dillsburg they drop a 300 pound Pickle....get it? Pickle...DILLsburg??
The city of Lebanon drops a 100 pound roll of bologna (Lebanon Bologna is a regional favorite lunch meat....think smokey and sweet). Gotta be local to get that one.
Hershey, home of America's favorite chocolate bar, they raise a giant Hershey Kiss...see what they did there???
Gettysburg is starting a new tradition with an oversized stove pipe hat....think Abraham Lincoln...
Mechanicsburg drops a wrench
Harrisburg, the state capital, does something (raises or lowers that is), with a giant strawberry....I still haven't figured that one out other than it happens next to the capital complex on an area called Strawberry Square. Why? Idunno!
Scranton drops a block of coal...maybe they should drop a box of Dunder-Mifflin paper instead?
There are a few other less imaginative entries but nevertheless, goofy local imitations of the long standing Time Square tradition. So what about where you are? Anything with beer?
I don't know if it's as good, but boarshead makes a lebanon that is pretty good.

Around here they just blow off fireworks
Yeah, I heard plenty of gunshots, banging of pots and pans, as well as whooping and hollering last night. It was actually kind of tame in comparison to where I used to live. In the city where I grew up (Santa Ana, CA) I’m sure my dad heard enough gunfire to think he was in a war zone.
A few fireworks here at midnight, lasted a half hour or so. Not terribly noisy.

Not at all like 4th of July here, when it starts a week before and lasts until the end of summer when the kiddies go back to school.
