Monthly Community Zoom Happy Hours!


Lifetime Member
Staff member
Established Member
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Upper Michigan/S. Florida
Our community is built on brewing and Brewer’s Friend information- but out of that comes friendships and camaraderie.

Because we enjoy interacting with each other, it was decided that we’ll have our Zoom Happy Hour sessions every last Saturday of the month at 4:00 MST/2300 GMT.

That'll push it late for Europeans and early for Australians, but we could schedule an hour earlier if there's consensus to do so.

@Nosybear will schedule a recurring Zoom meeting that allows people to join without him needing to be there so if he can’t make it, the meeting can still happen.

This will be announced in the forums each month as the time approaches but please mark you calendars so you don’t miss it!

You can join via phone, tablet, computer, etc, as long as you have a microphone and speakers. There is a zoom app for tablets/phones and a desktop version as well.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!
That's why I put GMT in there...
The trick is knowing what time it is in Newfoundland and Labrador! @Hawkbox and a few others know what I'm talking about (Brian William's doing the Olympics on CTV)
Still 01.00 am in my part of the world, that goes early to bed and is early to rise....
I live very rural.....
Yoops, if ya wanna have some fun, look up the TZ for Adelaide, South Australia. It's a half hour ahead of Sydney/Brisbane. They're a geographical oddity.
Yoops, if ya wanna have some fun, look up the TZ for Adelaide, South Australia. It's a half hour ahead of Sydney/Brisbane. They're a geographical oddity.
Same as the NT;). WEST AUS IS BEHIND again as expected three hours between Perth and Brisvagis:confused:
I usually try to post the UTC as well.
