Recipes for Tech


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Aug 29, 2012
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Rosedale, MD
not sure how to send something directly to someone, but I saw you were asking for some recipe ideas in some of the other threads. I've got a few that i thought turned out particularly well ... -common-v1 (ignore the name and style, it's more of an oud bruin. really good dark fruit taste, almost like wine. and you sour in the kettle, which is something a bit different) ... r-amarillo (a good SMaSH beer. highly recommend you brew some of those to get a handle on different malts and hops) ... -bitter-v2 ... ew/181787/ (you have to lager this. i ended up just putting the 2 gallon bucket into the fridge for a few days. probably not the same, but the beer turned out good. kind of rustic and simple)

i also made a simple cider that i put in the freezer after it fermented. every night i'd scoop out the ice with a sanitized spoon. It tasted quite refreshing, kind of like a snow cone. What was left in the bucket was super concentrated and delicious. I'll have to look for the "recipe" if you're interested.

also, i'd recommend Randy Mosher's Radical Brewing. There's a ton of great recipes and just plain good ideas to try out. probably keep you busy for a while
The book mentioned is a good one - I'd recommend it for the brewer's bookshelf.
guys I think the 6 posts with 1 phase in each is a sign of a spammer testing the limits of the forum
Ozarks Mountain Brew said:
guys I think the 6 posts with 1 phase in each is a sign of a spammer testing the limits of the forum
JC, no implications of the quality of recipes. Agreed on the spammer.
no worries, just messing with you. :D

forgive my naivete, but what is the benefit of spamming a message board?
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And since this is a paid site, we tend to frown on it.
