Maintaining the recipe while adjusting the abv or efficiency


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Jul 8, 2012
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Just curious if this is possible? If it is already a feature I must be missing something somewhere!

I recently purchased a 3 roller grain mill and my efficiency jumped 10%... I'd like to be able to maintain my recipe's fermentable percentages, abv and bu/gu ratio while accounting for the increased efficiency.

Just curious if this is possible? If it is already a feature I must be missing something somewhere!

I recently purchased a 3 roller grain mill and my efficiency jumped 10%... I'd like to be able to maintain my recipe's fermentable percentages, abv and bu/gu ratio while accounting for the increased efficiency.

Reduce your grain-bill by 10%

Efficiency at the commercial level equals money... the more efficiency, the less grain cost. At our level, it doesn’t really matter as Grain is relatively inexpensive.

What you want to strive for is consistency in efficiency, as that will give you the best chance at replicating the same flavor beer after beer. So now that you gained efficiency with your new grain mill, let it start paying itself off one grain bill at a time.
So, admittedly I was looking for a quick easy way to do that versus me doing the math and subtractions to each fermentable and hop. Like the scale button. It would be sweet to be able to have a feature that allowed you to scale based on efficiency. For instance, you utilize another member's recipe but they get a much higher or lower efficiency than you anf you want to adjust quickly to match your house efficiency.

Just being lazy (and dreading doing it to each recipe).

Consistency has been solid on both the old and new mill and my brewing practice.

Reduce your grain-bill by 10%

Efficiency at the commercial level equals money... the more efficiency, the less grain cost. At our level, it doesn’t really matter as Grain is relatively inexpensive.

What you want to strive for is consistency in efficiency, as that will give you the best chance at replicating the same flavor beer after beer. So now that you gained efficiency with your new grain mill, let it start paying itself off one grain bill at a time.
we already have that in the bottom section of the scale beer called New Batch Efficiency:
...and it works as advertised! I've always done a default 6 gallon batch (switching to four but that's a different story). Published recipes in the States are generally 5 or 5.5 gallons. Scale feature works like a charm, even changing the efficiency!
...and it works as advertised! I've always done a default 6 gallon batch (switching to four but that's a different story). Published recipes in the States are generally 5 or 5.5 gallons. Scale feature works like a charm, even changing the efficiency!

Thank goodness! No need for more features!
Five bucks from Amazon and you can live without those....
No thanks, I want a stand-alone one here. At least it will be something I can get my money’s worth from this site other than the yeast starter and ABV calculators, so I’ll continue championing the idea until we get one.:p

What I can live without is having to brew on a rail to use the timers here
I knew I was miasing something! How oblivious have I been? How long has it been there? Bah... Idiot. - I'm off to try this thing out! Thanks all.

I never knew it was there either so you're definitely not the only one not to have noticed lol.
