
Steve Ruch

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Apr 28, 2020
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
It's been a while since the electric company sent out a crew to take down a tree on our property that was getting too close to power lines and recently a bunch of wasps have shown up and seem to be making a home in the stump.
We never had any before.
It's been a while since the electric company sent out a crew to take down a tree on our property that was getting too close to power lines and recently a bunch of wasps have shown up and seem to be making a home in the stump.
We never had any before.View attachment 16973

those wont hurt ya as long as you don't smack one not to be confused with yellow jackets, stay away from those, I have a colony of red wasps on my property, the battle begins lol
Ask @Trialben for a solution, unless they are not a bother. He knows this as well as brewing.
They really hate pepper mint. Get some peppermint oil and mix it with water and soap. They will leave
If they ain't bothering you then don't bother them ;).
funny story years ago a bunch of paperwasps showed up on my patio awning here at home.
Me being a polite pestie said the them (yes they understand english) if you leave me alone I'll leave you alone.
Happy days they didn't bother me or the missus even the mother in law:D:D!
So they continued making a nice little nest there living harmoniously with me and wife.

Well fate turned it's corner for them one evening the brother brought his family over for a weekend. His wife walked in through the gate over onto the Patio and BANG they stung her right on the scone:eek:.
Now she's not the kind to take it in her stride she was PISSED she exclaimed what have you got wasps on your patio for Ben why havnt you got rid of them.
Well i guess that was that me and the bro did get some entertainment out of her lol:p.

Now you ask why did they sting her and none else.
Well this is my pestie scientific reasoning.
WASPS INSECTS AND SUCH WORK ON PHEROMONES I rekon something In her perfume triggered the wasps into an attack response cool eh?

I had another pestie mate with same experience but this time they bit him.
He said they were there for months but one day after work bang they went him.
Guess what he treated some wasps that day at work and thinks the pheromone was still on him .
Insects man their interesting little critters.
Ok back to brewing ;)
After doing some research it looks like these are yellowjackets. The winter freeze will kill off all but the queen who will then relocate to a different site in the spring.

Ouch! Those little bee-sterds can sting over and over...no fun!
I've ran over a nest with my lawnmower, guess what happened, swelled up for a week
Two words for ya people "Wasp Freeze" that's what we use. Instant freeze ;)
Dump 5 pounds of CO2 onto them...:eek:

No, seriously, get one of those cans of wasp spray that sprays 20 feet or something, wait until it's almost dark and empty most of the Can onto the nest. At that time of day they are all in the nest and you won't see them again. Easy, legal and safe.
