Triangle Tasting


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Aug 29, 2012
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Rosedale, MD
a few weeks back, i decided to test out both my brewpots because the wife was saying that she got a tinny aftertaste with some of my beers. it didn't seem to be all of them, and she also got it from some commercial beers. fwiw, i don't think i ever got that taste.

so, i did 2 identical batches using the different pots. one of them is a little more scratched up than the other. back to back brews, tried to keep everything as similar as possible. basically a vienna pale ale, with a little honey malt thrown in.

we recently did a taste test with my wife and 2 friends. i poured out 3 samples for each (2 of which were the same) and asked them if they tasted a difference. (i probably could have asked them in a more neutral way, but oh well)

i was very pleasantly surprised to see no one was able to correctly separate the brews, and I don't believe anyone got a tinny taste.

so that leads me to 2 conclusions:

1. at least when doing back to back brews on the same day, I'm fairly consistent
2. my wife is crazy and doesn't know what she's talking about :roll:

i can confidently say that at least one of those is right
from a glass or bottle? I can taste the bottles plastic seal myself, I can also taste the detergent that I use to wash glasses
could be a chlorine or ph issue too, ive had early beers with off flavors from both, a high ph will give a metallic taste
hmm, im usually pretty good at remembering a campden tablet, so i don't think it's the chlorine.

i was hoping to put off messing with water chemistry and such for a bit longer

the weird thing is, i don't recall a consistent thread through all the beers she said tasted like that (i know, i know, better notes and all). That is, some were dark, some light, some hoppier, some maltier.

from the little i understand about ph, it seems to get out of whack the more dark malts you use. but that doesn't seem to jive with my spotty memory. im also assuming that testing the ph of the final beer won't really help, it's gotta be the mash ph?
