Promash users? I need you!


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Established Member
Nov 16, 2013
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Upper Michigan/S. Florida
We are trying to fix the way our promash/XML conversion works. In order to do that, I am asking if anyone still has a promash file they can send me?

If you can, please reply to me in this thread or via the private messaging system by starting a 'conversation' with me. I appreciate your help in making our conversion work better. Thanks!
We are trying to fix the way our promash/XML conversion works. In order to do that, I am asking if anyone still has a promash file they can send me?

If you can, please reply to me in this thread or via the private messaging system by starting a 'conversation' with me. I appreciate your help in making our conversion work better. Thanks!

Bunch of old timers in my club still use promash. I’m sure I could get a recipe for you.
Bunch of old timers in my club still use promash. I’m sure I could get a recipe for you.

I would need the file emailed to me. If you can do that, we'd sure appreciate it! I'll message you with the email address, in case you can. Thank you!
The reason I switched to Brewers Friend was because I lost all of my Promash files otherwise I'd have a ton of them
We did got a volunteer, and we've got a workaround for Promash files at this point (until we have a permanent fix). So if anybody needs to convert Promash files, let me know and I'll get that workaround to them.

Thanks, UK Brewer!
