Persistent Recipe Sort Order


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Jan 10, 2015
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I tend to want to work with recipes I have recently created or edited. I start thinking about a brew, make a recipe, play with it for a few days, go to shop for ingredients, then finally brew it.

Each time, I have to go change the sort order to pull the recent recipes to the top, or go scrolling through to find the one I want. It would be really nice if the sort order on that page was persisted. Even if it was just browser/cookie based and not account based.
That's weird, because mine does that. Do you click "update" on the filter area?
Here's a photo:
It’s not persistent. I like to sort it by phase, end to start. It won’t stay at that setting indefinitely. Maybe for the session, but when I view again tomorrow, for example, I’ll have to sort it again. I use iPhone or iPad for this. Happens on both devices.
it would be nice if we could pick the default sort order and keep it that way, I prefer latest created on top my self
