Less amount of yeast.

I´m fermenting a trappsit Ale with wild yeast haha. So I gonna tell how it comes. I will take your advice about yeast harvesting. Thankss
That is a hell of an experiment. We do have a place in town that makes a mixed culture Saison. Initially I was 50/50 with it, but it really grew on me. and it is one of the items I always get when I visit now. It took them a long time to get that right.
That is a hell of an experiment. We do have a place in town that makes a mixed culture Saison. Initially I was 50/50 with it, but it really grew on me. and it is one of the items I always get when I visit now. It took them a long time to get that right.
Thankss I will be brewing with a combination of cultures to creates my own saison xD
Hello to everyone I came to yall for tips about how to use less yeast in my batches. Usually, I use 12 g of yeast for 45 l of wort. It works but the Co2 formation is very slow. I have to ferment for 15 days until the FG indicates the fermentation its ok. I think this amount of yeast is very low, I have to raise that level, but I want to earn some money. Some tip?

Thanks guys!

I suggest you create a yeast starter, using the 12g, maybe 4 days before the brew day, to attempt to double the available yeast to pitch in your brew. Have a look in the Greg Hughes "bible" or generally online for guidance on starters, but it'll be e.g. 100g DME in 1 litre of water, boiled - simmer for 15mins, cooled to 22C, then add the yeast, cover and keep shaking it until it stops fermenting. I hope this helps.
