Search results

  1. Fishingeek

    Brew Log Event Type: Suggest adding a new option

    How about an event type to reflect failed/discarded brews :lol: But seriously, how about an event type to reflect failed/discarded brews... :cry: It'd be nice if there was this option so we can better track failures to learn from them.
  2. Fishingeek

    Low hanging fruit... Advanced Recipe Options and Stats

    It'd be really nice if Advanced Recipe Options and Stats was available in the standard viewing mode. Having to hit edit just to see Advanced Recipe Options and Stats is kind of annoying. Thanks and keep up the great work!
  3. Fishingeek

    Adjusting 'built in' fermentable PPG and Color

    I noticed PPG's and colors of the 'built in' fermentable list can be pretty far off from reality. Maybe add a feature that would allow for calibration after adding the fermentable from your list? FWIW: I know I can add custom fermentables to get around this, but it'd be nice to adjust the...
