Carbing question


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Apr 28, 2015
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I can't recall if I've brought this up here or not. My keezer collar is about 1/4" too short to store kegs on the compressor shelf with the ball lock fittings attached. My thought is to keg my beer, let it chill, and hit it with 30 lbs of CO2 once a day for a few days. I have a theory that each morning before I hit it, it may still accept pressure from my 7 lb gas line. When it stops accepting CO2 from the 7 lb line, it'll probably have absorbed enough CO2 to be sufficiently carbonated for drinking once a keg is blown. I'm guessing I'll have a week or two to do this process each time. Keeping gas on the new keg is not an option at this time. Does anyone have any input on my proposed process? Has anyone here ever carbed in a similar fashion?
just charge it to the desired pressure, unhook, close the lid, do this once every day for at least 3 days the check
I did it like you are proposing for a while and it works fine just. Once it is carbed enough you can unhook it and charge it as needed. Like a small 9lb burst every day or two.
Cool. I'm hoping that it generally works that as soon as a keg is carbed, another one is soon blown. Much funner than musical chairs!
