One Bottle Infected?

I really don't notice any displacement when I use it, although it obviously happens. On my pot, my wort is not quite at the level of the hoseclamp holding the chiller together when I put it in the boil. I have a 44 qt pot, and my ending boil volume is 6.5 gallons. Not an issue for me.
Cool! Once I have a bigger pot, I know what is next on my list for Santa. :lol:
They'll custom make whatever size you need.
One more month passed, and I opened another bottle of Kölsch. It's no more carbonated today than it was a month ago. Of course, I'm kegging now, so I guess it's a moot point! Still, I'll open my one remaining bottle May 1st.
I opened my final bottle yesterday. Again, it was no more carbonated than it was last month. I'd say I fixed the problem with my over carbonated bottles. Of course, I'm kegging now, so that problem would've corrected itself.

I considered using my counterflow chiller today. I stored it a couple months ago with Starsan in it. The tube used to connect the ends to each other is now green. Who knows what's inside the copper tubing? It'll take a bit more effort to clean than I could've done today on short notice.
Do not use that chiller! The Starsan (which is acidic) will have destroyed it.

Copper oxides are green, hence the colour of the water. They're also very toxic in any quantity. Unless you can open it to clean and check, please assume it is no longer food safe.
