
Steve Ruch

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Apr 28, 2020
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Fort Wayne, Indiana
Looks like we're going to make up for this season's snowfall shortage in one go.
I’m predicting another snow day for us Friday as well.
South Central PA got missed over the weekend and it all blew east over on Philly, Jersey and New England.....I knew I was a grown up when snow no longer excited me!
Starts tomorrow night here.
Meanwhile in Southern California - we got 7+ inches of rain through the end of December, and then the tap turned off. According to long term forecasts, there is a chance that some precipitation may fall around the end of February. Until then, we will be dry, which really sucks! Good luck to those receiving rain and snow.
Woof, that's a lot of snow. It's just cold here.
Expecting between 4" and 8" between Wednesday and Friday.
Many times these events get delayed, and sometimes they tend to fizzle, but we will see.
I'm just glad that I recently moved into "Seniorsville" where they shovel my snow for me!

The forecast this morning is now calling for close to six inches more Thursday on top of the foot tomorrow.
Near 70f today. High 70s tomorrow. I saw a bee today. Yellow jacket, but still. Time to plant the winter garden.
Problem is for us look like ice and freezing rain then an inch or so.
Snowing here tonight... We need it, though.
The snowfall total has been revised downwards, but it's going to be wet and denser. The weather guy called it "heart attack" shoveling for anyone over 35.
