When do you drink your home brew

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

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Nov 20, 2012
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I typically drink mine after dinner, anywhere from 6 pm to 10 pm, and that can be a problem for me. doing this for the last 5 years my belly has grown 2 inches. So lets hash this out, I can eat at least a 4 to 500 calorie dinner "if not more" then drink at least 2 to 3 - 18 ounce beers and in most cases thats 200 calories a beer so Ive just consumed 1000 calories sitting down and not burning any...not good :mad:
I'm 6'6" and I've been holding at 230 lbs for a few years now. Actually, there are times when I lose weight. I have to drink to keep from withering away! I usually don't pour my first brew until after dinner during the week. Brew days are an exception.
5'9" and have always weighed 162 but now approaching 200, I guess its time to slow down
I still have a very physical job so can get away with extra beers during week
Monday and Tues are booze free days , will normally stop by local for a few pints other nights and maybe another at home with dinner
Still only a 32 " waist at 36 ....not bad for an old bloke ! I'm bit over 6'1 and 200 lbs ,big blue eyes too for the record
32" waist? Haven't seen that since high school! I'm at 36" or 38" now, I'm not sure. I'll ask my wife. She buys my pants!! I also have a physical job. My doctor is mad I'm not interested in a gym membership. I told her I'd like to see her follow me at work. She answered by saying she'd like to see me follow her at the gym! I hate a smart mouthed doctor! Last couple checkups, she's pleased with my health. She told me to keep doing what I'm doing (which is nothing that she tells me to do). I can do that, doc!
Im approaching 53 and have a 34 waist but my belly above is the issue lol
I'm the same age as the Super Bowl. 51 this year.
I'm not good on sizes recently boss asked me for pant size to order shorts for work I nearly ballsed that one up but I'm sure I'm a 37 have to head to dunny to check tag ha ha. But missus wants me to do a "restart" next week for 21 days no booze no bloody caffeine, no nothing but smoothies:mad::oops: she said I'm an alcoholic if I can't go three weeks without a beer:eek: well I'll hopefully do this to prove her wrong then smash a keg of homebrew :p. But yea the beer make my belly bulge everything in life has a consequence I'm happy with the consequences of my drinking though if anything I recon Homebrewing is a lesson in self control when it comes to drinking as I know at any given time I've got nearly 100lt of drinkable beer in stock and within easy drinking reach:)
I work night shift during the week, so often have a beer at 6am, then a couple home brews when I get home (about 7am) before bed. Weekend is open season :)

Always hovered around the normal / overweight line on the BMI index, do a bit of running and eat salads a lot, but getting a bit harder as age goes up (43 this yr)
Even converted its bollocks , I carry very little fat and focused my training on core muscle so even with my skinny little arms I'm strong where it counts
At same mass I could be a fat bugger
I'm 6' 1" or so now, after losing a little height over the last 10 or so years - I'll be 60 next year. I'd crept up to nearly 250 a couple of years ago so I went low-carb and knocked off over 40 of that. A little of that crept back on, but not too badly. That was all well and good until last January when I started brewing.This year I've put back on most of 20 lbs since my lowest point summer before last. I decided I have to really watch it a little better and I've started dropping a few lbs again.

If I'm relatively active and a little careful about when and what I eat and limit myself to one beer most evenings for a while, I'll drop a pound or two a week until I hit about 215. From there, I have to work at it or really not drink at all for a while to make much of a dent.

If I have a lot of beers aging out, I'll want to try 3 or 4 in a night, but if I'm minding myself a little, 1 or 2 will be more the norm. I almost never drink after dinner. I'll have a beer around 5:00 or so, depending on the day's schedule and usually open another while I'm cooking dinner. Sometimes I'll tell my wife to go ahead and eat while I sit and have one more beer, then eat after I relax a bit.
My favorite time for homebrews is out on hikes, my latest having been out on the ice of Mirror lake in Lake Placid NY new years day. And yes, that's a PBR next to me in my profile pic, but that was a bike ride in July; I must not have been thinking too clearly that day for having made such a questionable choice.
My favorite time for homebrews is out on hikes, my latest having been out on the ice of Mirror lake in Lake Placid NY new years day. And yes, that's a PBR next to me in my profile pic, but that was a bike ride in July; I must not have been thinking too clearly that day for having made such a questionable choice.
You were dehydrated. With no water in sight, you went for the next best thing? Your questionable choice was understandable if you put it this way ;)
Evenings, just before bed. I'm 58, 5' 10" and about 190 pounds. That puts me overweight, somewhat. Doc's not complaining, though.
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And yes, that's a PBR next to me in my profile pic, but that was a bike ride in July; I must not have been thinking too clearly that day for having made such a questionable choice.
Theres always an exception for a beer somebody gave you. I'll always drink someone else's beer. But then I'll question his taste!
There are times I could have a porter for breakfast but that's frowned upon. So evenings are best. 5'7'' 165 lb and technically over weight. But I'm in the gym constantly so definitely not fat. Muscle weighs more then fat!
When brewing and people are helping ,I'm 64 6 5 275 .I'm diabetic and it lowers my blood sugar quite a bit so I have the watch my intake.I enjoy others drinking my beer.
