Tilt accuracy


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Sep 24, 2021
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So i have read online that the tilt is not accurate, especially during the beginning of fermentation due to the krausen. The tilt showed 1.043 whereas my hydrometer showed 1.061 (the recipe called for an OG of 1.052) and I was surprised at how different the OG was compared to my hydrometer at room temp. This is my 10th brew and I did the calibration in water but perhaps i need to do it again? I am guessing i will have to take a hydrometer reading in tandem to see how the FG compares to the tilt.
It is disappointing to see such a difference between the tilt and hydrometer, as a scientist i love seeing the data display in real time!
They can be calibrated to be fairly accurate. Issue Being that once stuff sticks to it, there is no way to fix it. It's not the tilts fault , but it changes the angle.

If you have the tilt-pi to communicate with it, then you can use multiple point calibration. Measure with your hydrometer at the OG and set the tilt. Then measure the fg and set another point. Just make sure it is clean both times.
There's a video on their website showing how to calibrate your Tilt. You want to calibrate at 3 points for the best accuracy. Once the krausen has fallen, your tilt will likely be off by a few gravity points due to debris stuck on the device. It's still useful for showing fermentation has stopped and the gravity is stable.
There's a video on their website showing how to calibrate your Tilt. You want to calibrate at 3 points for the best accuracy. Once the krausen has fallen, your tilt will likely be off by a few gravity points due to debris stuck on the device. It's still useful for showing fermentation has stopped and the gravity is stable.
Thanks, I will check the video out
It can be very accurate, but it can also be influenced by things like krausen residue.

Consider absolute accuracy versus relative accuracy: it might be off 10%, but if the reading is stable, it is really stable.
Don't forget to recalibrate if you change the battery. They all weigh different. I had a tough time calibrating after a batt change last time.
My last 2 batches, different yeasts have been reading 0.05 higher than measured FG. OG has been spot on. Most of the time it’s closer than that For me.
It can be very accurate, but it can also be influenced by things like krausen residue.

Consider absolute accuracy versus relative accuracy: it might be off 10%, but if the reading is stable, it is really stable.

Having the constant feedback, for me, is the most beneficial thing, and keeps me from infecting my brew by going into it more than I need to.

The up-shot that I took from this thread is that I should still calibrate and take manual readings for OG and FG, which is smart.

I also feel that running a TiltPi is necessary, so that your Tilt feedback is consistent, otherwise the haphazard readings from my cell phone miss important aspects of the trend.

I have my orange Tilt in a mead at the moment, and I am just watching for subsidence of ferment, going bone dry, The Tilt provides a window into what is otherwise a black box.


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