Sarah From Dubai

Sarah Emi

New Member
Trial Member
Jul 5, 2017
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Hi everyone, glad to be a part of this community.
I'm Sarah Emi Burj. I'm from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
I'm very much interested in traveling and touring around the world for adventures.
I have been traveled through Egypt, Morocco, Ireland, French Polynesia, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, and beer is always been my travel hobby.
Being professional, I am a Logo Designer and web developer and have worked on several projects and assignments throughout my career. Right now I'm working as a Design Strategist at a well reputed Logo Designers Company in Dubai, UAE.
I'm planning to travel North America next summers. I hope this will be a good and promising journey.
Welcome to the forum, what style of beers peak your interest?

If your touring the USA looking for beer to try, Colorado of course is loaded with craft breweries, Washington state and California also, Pennsylvania is really up and coming as of late.
Beer is already one of my travel hobbies, but it would probably be my whole reason to travel if I lived in Dubai!
Welcome and good luck. I think you will find plenty of good craft beer no matter where you travel in North American (or most of Europe, or most of Africa, or some of Asia, or OZ, or NZ....;))
Welcome to the forum, what style of beers peak your interest?
The person pictured is not the member of the same name. What member starts out by posting their own portrait as their profile pic? The account was created by a robot.

For the sake of argument, let's assume we have a beautiful young woman as a new member. She's from Dubai. Allow me to stereotype. She's Muslim. Muslims don't drink.

Delete this thread!!!
She's from Dubai. Allow me to stereotype. She's Muslim. Muslims don't drink.
That, along with the babelfish translation of the OP, made me think the same thing, but seeing as I wasn't able to find any suspicious links'h.

oh, and btw...
Muslims don't drink. BS.
No, the religion / government may not allow it, and sure, some may adhere, but saying that is like saying "no one with a drivers license speeds". :rolleyes:
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Well that's two in a row another lady signed up yesterday as well. I just say strategy designer and logo and then thought oh " beer logo design may be her forte" ha ha.

At least she mentioned beer in her post lol:p.
And as jeffpn pointed out I'm pretty sure beer would be a hard product to get hold of in Dubai never been there but mmmm yeah alcohol is frowned upon in that culture.
If I was a young woman growing up there and traveled abroad and saw this "beer" for sale in comfy looking bars I'd be enticed to try:D.

But yeah it's all a fake.... I just wish I could travel round the world and drink beer.
I follow you, I was sending that pic to one of my teens as an answer to a request when I seen your reply...
It irritates them and makes me laugh every time ....had to share even tho it was used wrong ;)
haha, no problem, made me laugh too. :D
She hasn't posted again. Hopefully she wasn't caught and stoned to death.
guys it was a test add post, I didn't delete the post because it had beer in it but I did unlink the link it was advertising :p
