Russian Imperial Stout recipe?


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Jul 27, 2017
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Anyone have a good one that is relatively simple? Our local group does a memorial contest in May and I've never brewed one.
My club just did a barrel fill with a 10%+ RIS. compared to the the recipe that Head First references, the recipe we used had a lot of oats and flaked barley for silky moreth and smoothe malt. Not nearly the IBUs either...that one seems like it'd be a little to "robust" for my taste. :)
The one we did was based on Ten Fiddy. There a number of variations in the recipe search. Some are spelled Ten Fiddy and some are Ten Fidy.
Cool, I'll poke around.
Ten Fidy is on that's motor oil, but in a good way
Looks pretty good! It'll be interesting to see what the Biscuit brings to the flavor. Might be a nice toasty sweet maltiness. I wonder if the Black Malt and Roasted Barley are redundant?
I fermented on a cake of S-04 from a 4-gallon starter batch of a light blonde. It was down to FG in 4 days...that's a lot of maltose to work through! :)
I'm wondering that myself, but every recipe I found more or less seems to do it.
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