This was designed by a Home Brewer and brewed for a pub in Spokane Wa. Some refer to it as motor oil. It is a very robust RIS but like any other strong stout gets better every swallow. One of my favorites. High IBUs? Yes, they balance with all the dark malts though.
My club just did a barrel fill with a 10%+ RIS. compared to the the recipe that Head First references, the recipe we used had a lot of oats and flaked barley for silky moreth and smoothe malt. Not nearly the IBUs either...that one seems like it'd be a little to "robust" for my taste.
The one we did was based on Ten Fiddy. There a number of variations in the recipe search. Some are spelled Ten Fiddy and some are Ten Fidy.
Looks pretty good! It'll be interesting to see what the Biscuit brings to the flavor. Might be a nice toasty sweet maltiness. I wonder if the Black Malt and Roasted Barley are redundant?
I fermented on a cake of S-04 from a 4-gallon starter batch of a light blonde. It was down to FG in 4 days...that's a lot of maltose to work through!