Reserved Inventory

Jul 21, 2018
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i really like the inventory and shopping list functions. It would be a lot easier to prepare my shopping list if, as I add the recipe to my shopping list, my inventory showed "available inventory" from which you could reserve some or all for the current recipe.

For example, with 8 oz of crystal 60 in inventory, adding a recipe that calls for 6 oz of crystal 60 to my shopping list could reserve 6 of the 8 oz for that recipe. That way the next recipe I add to my shopping list that calls for crystal 60 would show 8 oz in inventory but only 2 oz available. Right now I have to keep track of that mentally or on paper.

Having that would facilitate using my shopping list to manage the gap between my brewing requirements and my inventory, minimizing the excess inventory, without a lot of thinking. You could, when converting a shopping list to inventory, release the reserved amount.

Really enjoy using these tools. Thanks for creating them.
That's a good idea. I'll think about how we could incorporate that into the software. Thanks for the suggestion!
Actually, the more I think about, a better solution would be a tool to compare my shopping list against inventory. That way, if I add my entire recipe to the shopping list without regard for inventory, I can compare my total requirements to my inventory. Comparing totals makes more sense to me than doing it recipe by recipe.

If it operated that way, a common substitution database could be employed to reduce the shopping list by the amount of inventory available for either an exact match or a common substitute. Since the shopping list does show amount by recipe, all the information needed to decide to use a substitute (or not) could be right in front of you.

Also, having it be a separate tool would probably be the least invasive approach. Nothing that exists need change. The tool would show you your shopping list and possible matches from inventory allowing you to reduce your shopping list as needed.

Food for thought. It seems a simpler solution than I first suggested and easier for the user - and possibly the developer. I am a software designer by profession so I stew on such things. It also seems to me a substitution database could be a really desirable feature from a marketing perspective.
