Ill try to come up with one for you, in the mean time, heres some thing to look at ... syrup.html
Amount of pale malt x .8125 = amount of liquid malt extract
(example: 8 lbs. pale malt x .8125 = 6.5 lbs. liquid malt extract)
Amount of pale malt x .6875 - amount of dry malt extract (DME)
(example: 8 lbs. pale malt x .6875 = 5.5 lbs. dry malt extract)
Amount of wheat malt x .937 = amount of liquid wheat malt extract
(example: 6.5 lbs. wheat malt x .937 = 6.1 lbs. liquid malt extract)
Amount of liquid malt extract x 1.23 - amount of pale malt
(example: 6.6 lbs. liquid malt extract x 1.23 = 8.1 lbs. pale malt)
Amount of dry malt extract x 1.45 - amount of pale malt
(example: 5 lbs. dry malt extract x 1.45 = 7.25 lbs. pale malt)
Amount of liquid wheat extract x 1.07 - amount of wheat malt
(example: 6.6 lbs. wheat extract x 1.07 = 7 lbs. wheat malt)