Yep I'd had a few beers under me belt not had I have and upon mucking around at the kegerator somehow I'd managed to Spring a faint drip drip leak from my intertap tap where the handle goes into the main body. I thought oh easy I'll just tighten up that nut on top compressing the plastic ring and she'll be right mate... Nope oh wait it needs more force I'll grab some pliers that'll fix the bugger.... Nope still a slow dribble
So I took it all apart and gave it all a good squirt with sanitizer and inspected all me intertap bits. Remember I'm half cut BTW somehow now in hindsight I say I've miss placed a plastic slieve/ collier the bit that goes under the round steel joint I put that in the wrong place inside the housing and my sliding forward sealing shaft wouldn't move
! I'm thinking what the have I forgotten a piece have I dropped something on the floor in my drunken haze. All the time I'm thinking bloody intertap so much for a flawless product not only does it Spring a leak outta the blue but now I can't even pull the handle and pour a beer out of it
Well my common sense came back to me after some perusing on the Internet for an intertap stuck shank type thread all to no avail but all about how good the product is. Mmm I must be somehow loosing my marbles or have already and just can't find em. I remember how much of an idiot I can be and decided to take a better more optimistic look at all me intertap bits and bobs you wouldn't believed it I've somehow managed to put a plastic coller on top of another plastic coller thinking it went there (it fit there too) and therefore didn't allow the tap shank arm enough depth to move the forward seeling slide arm
I'll post some picks for better understanding. But a lesson to all the brighter Brewers out there don't try to tackle the moving parts of your homebrew tap unless half sober lol.
Ok so first photo is just all the inside bits of the forward sealing intertap. Second photo is of the plastic slieve culprit that I placed inside the intertap housing as it is sitting there it has already got one of these in that same spot this one sits on the opposite side of the stainless knuckle. The third photo is how that plastic slieve should have been on the other side of the knuckle not underneath it. Just in case someone run into the same conundrum as me there ya go no where was that beer.
So I took it all apart and gave it all a good squirt with sanitizer and inspected all me intertap bits. Remember I'm half cut BTW somehow now in hindsight I say I've miss placed a plastic slieve/ collier the bit that goes under the round steel joint I put that in the wrong place inside the housing and my sliding forward sealing shaft wouldn't move
Well my common sense came back to me after some perusing on the Internet for an intertap stuck shank type thread all to no avail but all about how good the product is. Mmm I must be somehow loosing my marbles or have already and just can't find em. I remember how much of an idiot I can be and decided to take a better more optimistic look at all me intertap bits and bobs you wouldn't believed it I've somehow managed to put a plastic coller on top of another plastic coller thinking it went there (it fit there too) and therefore didn't allow the tap shank arm enough depth to move the forward seeling slide arm
Ok so first photo is just all the inside bits of the forward sealing intertap. Second photo is of the plastic slieve culprit that I placed inside the intertap housing as it is sitting there it has already got one of these in that same spot this one sits on the opposite side of the stainless knuckle. The third photo is how that plastic slieve should have been on the other side of the knuckle not underneath it. Just in case someone run into the same conundrum as me there ya go no where was that beer.