Old brewer, new member


Well-Known Member
Trial Member
Feb 3, 2018
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My name is Bob. I live in Fallon Nevada, about an hour east of Reno. I'm an old goat at 69. If you recognize my handle you have likely seen me on the AHA, Beersmith and Home Brew Talk forums. I do all grain batch sparge in the colder months and BIAB in the Summer. My favorite beer styles are APAs and IPAs.

My other interests are curing, smoking and grilling meats, fly fishing. brewing hard cider, cooking, eating and drinking. Not necessarily in that order. I've been brewing beer for a little over 10 years.
My name is Bob. I live in Fallon Nevada, about an hour east of Reno. I'm an old goat at 69. If you recognize my handle you have likely seen me on the AHA, Beersmith and Home Brew Talk forums. I do all grain batch sparge in the colder months and BIAB in the Summer. My favorite beer styles are APAs and IPAs.

My other interests are curing, smoking and grilling meats, fly fishing. brewing hard cider, cooking, eating and drinking. Not necessarily in that order. I've been brewing beer for a little over 10 years.
Youll be well recieved here brew friend i know another brewer here whos into his meat curing/ smoking something ill have to have a try at beer and cured meet goes hand in hand i think.
Youll be well recieved here brew friend i know another brewer here whos into his meat curing/ smoking something ill have to have a try at beer and cured meet goes hand in hand i think.

They surely do. My favorite diet is the "Patio Diet". Nothing like sitting out on the patio enjoying the smell of wood smoke and a cold beer. Thank you for the warm welcome.
Nice hobbies! ;)
Welcome to the forums here at BF! I need to get into curing meats and more BBQ, but I spend soooo much time home brewing and researching as it is.
Welcome to the forums here at BF! I need to get into curing meats and more BBQ, but I spend soooo much time home brewing and researching as it is.

“Patio Diet”... doesn’t get much better than that. My smoker is frustrated lately with my inability to feed it fresh fish.

Welcome to the fermenter :)
“Patio Diet”... doesn’t get much better than that. My smoker is frustrated lately with my inability to feed it fresh fish.

Welcome to the fermenter :)

My smoker knows the feeling :) Since the recently ended drought the fishing has sucked around here. Got a few decent trout last March and early April and that was it. The only thing it's had since then are some ribs and cheese. Got a couple slabs of bacon and some pastrami curing, so will be feeding it some meat soon.

Thanks for the welcome.
