Least favorite style or ingredient


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Aug 29, 2012
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Rosedale, MD
I realize this is very subjective, but what style or ingredient do you absolutely avoid? Is it based off a bad experience or you simply have no interest in it?

For me, it'd have to be lambics. Granted, I haven't had one in years, and I may appreciate it more now that I like sours. But it's just not beer to me

I know, you're shocked!!!
at least you're consistent across the forum. if you said something like pilsners, i'd be worried your account got hacked ;)
Belgian IPAs. That combination of phenolics and bitterness always comes across as vaguely poisonous to me.
I dislike most IPAs and certainly IIPAs. But, to be contrary, I do enjoy Goose Island IPA.
As for least favorite ingredients, generally I'm not a fan of fruit beer. I like my flavors to stay where they belong. For example, I don't like my sausage tasting like maple syrup, or my coffee to taste like whatever is trendy these days. But my wife and others who drink my homebrew like my strawberry ale and my raspberry ale, so I will continue to make them.
I'm no fan of chocolate malt. It always comes off as astringent to me. Roasted barley, blackprintz tastes much better to me.
DanC said:
I dislike most IPAs and certainly IIPAs. But, to be contrary, I do enjoy Goose Island IPA.

I believe that Goose IPA is an English style. Maybe see if you can get your hands of a Fullers or Samuel Smith.
I am not sure if it so much the taste that bugs me, or the small-ass glasses they serve it in... :roll:
Least favorite ingredient is chicken. Don't even have to try it to say this.
Head First said:
Least favorite ingredient is chicken. Don't even have to try it to say this.
I don't know...
I think I would take chicken flavored beer over liver flavored beer. Granted, both would make me puke, but at least I like eating chicken...
There are recipes out there for cock ale, requiring a chicken in the boil. I do not intend to make it.
Nosybear said:
There are recipes out there for cock ale, requiring a chicken in the boil.
*phew*, I am so glad you wrote "chicken"... :!:
If memory serves me correctly, Papazian had the "Cock Ale" recipe.
Here a a few things I don't care for.
Fermentis S-33
Any beer that tastes like Juicy Fruit.
Safale S-04

S04 is their English ale yeast? Not too familiar with the dry yeasts. What don't you like about them?
The Brew Mentor said:
If memory serves me correctly, Papazian had the "Cock Ale" recipe.
Here a a few things I don't care for.
Fermentis S-33
Any beer that tastes like Juicy Fruit.
Safale S-04

Yes Charlie P put it in his first book.
I get the Safale S-04 but if not rushed (needs cold crashed to get it to drop out),considered the S-33 a fairly neutral yeast.
As long as there's no chicken in it.
jmcnamara said:
S04 is their English ale yeast? Not too familiar with the dry yeasts. What don't you like about them?

The Safale-04 Just tastes terrible compared to White labs English strains. My favorite English is WLP013.
I've used the S-33 a couple of times and have never been able to get it to clear completely. Then again I was a much younger brewer when I used it last so maybe it was something I did wrong. :ugeek:

