Keezer wiring


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Jun 13, 2017
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OK I now have a chest freezer and an STC – 1000 temperature controller. I have already wired and STC – 1000 for my fermenting chamber but would like to know how you all set up the wiring for the Keezer?
about 6 years ago I just made mine into an outlet box then the STC – 1000 just turns the power on when told by your set point, there is also a setting for compressor delay, but its been so long I cant remember all of the codes sorry try google lol
Yep as above F1 is temps F2 is temp rise difference. F3 IS temp calibrations for probe. F4 is comperssor delay.

Ive always.wired mine in sepperate from machine except recently with car fridge with 12v stc i removed exisiting wiring and usd stc completey in place.
You could wire it into freezer that would be cool but external is the easy way.

Looking on the EBAY i was supprised how many different types of thermostats you can buy.
I wired the stc-1000 to an outlet. One side for hot, one side for cold. Then I plug the freezer into the cold outlet. No need for fermwrap in a keezer. That’s for the fermenter.
I wired the stc-1000 to an outlet. One side for hot, one side for cold. Then I plug the freezer into the cold outlet. No need for fermwrap in a keezer. That’s for the fermenter.

What if you live in an igloo then what? :)
