Iron Maiden Wheat

The Brew Mentor

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Aug 19, 2012
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113 ... iden-wheat

Take a look at this. I'll be brewing this on Saturday and wouldn't mind feedback on the recipe.

I will be dialing in a new 30 gal system.

I'd prefer Amarillo for the late additions but I 'm out of them for now. I may use Warrior for the bittering hop instead of the Magnum.

I am targeting an easy drinking American Pale Wheat.
Magnum is one dimensional in terms of clean bitterness. If that is what you are going for great, just pointing that out.

That is a lot of wheat malt! Don't get a stuck sparge. Rice hulls could help?
looks pretty good but I am going to second the rice hulls, don't want a stuck sparge...
Yea, I'll definitly add 2-3 pounds of rice hulls.
For the bittering, I am just looking for a clean firm bitterness without any real character, so I will use either Magnum or Warrior.

The main goal of this brew is to dial in my new system.
Thing that I need to check are;
RIMS setup
Temperature gain over time while recirculating/ step mashing/ mashout
false bottom/stuck sparge possibilities
Kettle losses/ dead space
Fly sparging on this setup
Boil off rate
Chilling rate
and many more little things.

I also want to come out with 20 gallons of beer that I want to drink over a period of time. :D This should be a nice American pale wheat that will be a crowd pleaser.

I think the amount of wheat in this recipe will be the highest percentage I would ever do. I can also check everything out for future reference.
More comments are welcome.
OK, so the maiden batch is finished.

I changed the recipe a bit and was thrilled with the new system!

I upped the hop schedule to bring it to the upper end of the pale ale range.

More to follow when I have time.
