I finally had to dump a brew.

Alan J

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Sep 30, 2012
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It was Sunday. A very sad day. I wanted to have taps playing in the background.
It all started 3 weeks ago with a blonde ale I've made 3 times before and always turned out good. It was all grain, hit all the numbers, pitched Nottingham. 2 days later no activity. Shook up the carboy, another day no activity. Only other yeast I had was Windsor. Pitched that and it started fermenting the next day.
Sunday I started to transfer to the bottling bucket and the smell of phenols was very strong, the taste was a pure medicinal flavor.
I don't know if too much time before fermentation started and it got infected then or the mixture of both yeasts that did it. The end result, had to pour it down the drain.
Just had to share.
your not alone, poured a couple myself, had to clean, bleach and boil my whole system and carboys wow that was a week lol
Everyone has made drain cleaner at some time or another. Sanitize everything, bleach everything, replace anything scratched or discolored and back at it.

Knowing that everyone has or will make a batch like this one doesn't make it hurt less, though.
Same here I have just had to dump a porter. Strong smell and taste of phenyol and I didn't see it coming. It has been a while since I have had to go through the anguish of tipping out a beer (sniff sniff). I guess I will have to tighten up on my cleaning and sanitizing.
Im guilty a few times also, let it roll off, and prepare for your next brewday.
Yep. Been there a time or two. I've also dumped brews that I've tired of. In fact, I have probably half a keg of hefe that I'll probably end up dumping just cause I'm tired of it and ready for the keg space. I found a bit of shame the first time or two. Now I could care less. I'd rather have something on tap we'll drink.
