Forgot to dry Hop!!!


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Jun 13, 2017
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So like the title says...............I forgot, the batch is now 16days old and I pretty much always let my batches sit in the fermenter for at least 30 days. If I dry hop it now will I run into any issues?
So like the title says...............I forgot, the batch is now 16days old and I pretty much always let my batches sit in the fermenter for at least 30 days. If I dry hop it now will I run into any issues?
None that I can think of. The desired effect of a longer dry hop may not be as prominent, but it'll still be good. Heck, you might find that you like the flavor/aroma better with a 14 day dry hop.
So like the title says...............I forgot, the batch is now 16days old and I pretty much always let my batches sit in the fermenter for at least 30 days. If I dry hop it now will I run into any issues?
Nope. Might need an extra day or so, taste to find out.
