Filtering all grain wort prior to boil.

Brewer #48184

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Jun 8, 2015
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I'm about to do my first batch of all grain and was wondering if there is any reason that I should not run my wort through a nylon strainer as it runs off of my mash tun? I am brewing with cereal and am worried that it might break down far enough that it will go through my manifold.
its not going to hurt no, but either way it will end up as trub at either the bottom of the kettle or fermenter if you don't filter it
I run my wort through the cheapest nylon knee-high stockings I can find at Wal-Mart to keep any of the "chunkies" that get through my false bottom out of the boil. Likely an excess of caution but even with the best of recirculation, a few little chunks always find their way through. I'm using the crusher at the homebrew shop and it appears to me to be set a little fine so that may ultimately be a problem but running my wort through a 50-cent screen is cheap security, even if it's not necessary.
Brewer #48184 said:
I'm about to do my first batch of all grain and was wondering if there is any reason that I should not run my wort through a nylon strainer as it runs off of my mash tun? I am brewing with cereal and am worried that it might break down far enough that it will go through my manifold.

Is this the clarity that you are looking for ?
No filter but a recirculating HERMS set up, home made works perfectly.


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