Fermenting with sourdough bread yeast


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Sep 21, 2015
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My buddy makes a sourdough loaf often, and keeps a culture of sourdough bread yeast in his fridge. He feeds it with just flour and water.

I had this idea a while back to do a sourdough stout: 40% Wheat, 20% Maris, 20% Rye, 10% Flaked Barley, 5% Chocolate, 5% Roasted Barley.
Now I'm thinking of fermenting it on his yeast culture, and see what happens.

My concerns:
Can I get it to at least 70% attenuation?
Will this yeast create a full blown infection? If so, should I get new equipment for a sour project?
I don't want to infect all my equipment with an unsure beer.
Is this going to be a slightly funky bready stout? Or this even worth it at all?

I've kettle soured with a sourdough starter.... You'll get something funky, I just don't know what. Afterwards, replace everything soft (rubber, vinyl, etc.) and you should be fine.
Aww you are either courageous or crazy Oliver but I'm liking what your putting down hee he hee!
I kept me a sourdough culture going for over a year or more a while back before I got head over heals into brewing I would often smell the jar and taste the contents just to be sure to be sure it was good. I got heaps of tang on the tongue it's quite acidic the mother you'll be sure to get a tarty brew for sure. I recon a tarty wheat beer would be good maybe start off with the sourdough then Finnish off with the Brewers yeast or visa versa...

Keep us posted very interesting.
