(DONE) Style Suggestion?


New Member
Trial Member
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
I like that I can see if my recipe matches my planned style. Would it be possible to add a feature that would suggest a style based on the recipe?
Re: Style Suggestion?

Cool idea, we could show a listing of the matching styles. Some styles are pretty wide open, especially BCJP #23:
http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style23.php, pretty much all beers fit that style (that is your fall back if no other styles match).

One catch is, the aroma and flavor profiles that go with the style are not recognized. At this point in time, the calculator goes purely off the stats. For example, you could make a Kolsch or Helles beer to style such that it matches all the numbers, but do so using a non-traditional hop like Citra or Amarillo. That would make it taste awesome, but it wouldn't match the strict guideline the judges use. I just brewed a Citra Kolsch and it is awesome, and disappearing fast this summer.

Nice avatar by the way!
Re: Style Suggestion?

Okay, this is a screen shot of what the new matching styles list might look like.

The hard part is catch all styles like Wood Aged Beer will show up often, because the range is so wide. The other issue is, it doesn't consider the character of the ingredients. Often the yeast or hop profile is a distinguishing factor in a style (but not always). Getting that to work would take this from a simple add on, to something fairly complex and we can't go down that path right now.

Let me know if you have any feedback, but I'm comfortable with how this is looking.


  • sample_matching_style.png
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Re: Style Suggestion?

As you get more recipes, and you want to get more complex, you could implement a system that bases your recipe on other recipes and what they are marked as. Of course you are relying on other people marking their beer styles correctly and/or not leaving them as defaults.
Re: Style Suggestion?

That looks great :D

It could certainly be helpful for newer brewers (like me).
Re: Style Suggestion?

This feature is now live! Enjoy!
