(DONE) Link the # entry box to the lb/oz kilo/gr


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Jul 15, 2012
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If I have entries in the numbers input box.. say 5 lb and I change from US to Metric. The number changes in the input box to reflect the change. But if I change from lb to oz..and kilo to gram I have to convert offline. To increase the efficiency of input I think linking the drop down box to the input number..if possible.. would be a good thing. :?: Thanks for reading
Re: Link the # entry box to the lb/oz kilo/gr drop

Makes sense. This could also be done on the hops side.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Link the # entry box to the lb/oz kilo/gr

In the next release, when changing the amount drop downs for hops, steeping grains, fermentables, and custom fermentables, the amount will automatically be converted to the new unit.
Re: (NEXT RELEASE) Link the # entry box to the lb/oz kilo/gr

Thanks.. I think it helpful.. Im sure others will as well
This is now live in the recipe editor. Toggling oz/lb, or kg/g drop down for a fermentable will cause the amount to convert appropriately. Also works for g/oz drop down on the hops lines.
