Define 1st second or third dry hop additions

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

Lifetime Member
Staff member
Established Member
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
I saw someone mention this and it dawned on my I would like it too, can we have a better way of separating dry hop or keg hop additions like dry hop-1, day 1-5, dry hop-2 day 5-10, just something to differentiate different dry hop times
Hmmm, that's an interesting idea. We'd have to look into the best way to format this (since you'd be setting date ranges, not just number of days), but it's something we can certainly look into. I think the higher priority would be getting the Dry Hop - (Primary/Secondary/Keg), where you can set the number of days, and then seeing if we can come up with a creative way to address this. Consider it added to the list of things to look at!
off topic, great to know your looking at all these requested for improvements lately, we went along time without anyone communicating with us after "Larry left" he was a great on hands communicator as well as a good forum administrator, just wanted to say thanks!
Ozarks Mountain Brew said:
off topic, great to know your looking at all these requested for improvements lately, we went along time without anyone communicating with us after "Larry left" he was a great on hands communicator as well as a good forum administrator, just wanted to say thanks!

I totally hear you - thanks for the kind words! We're definitely trying to be more active and more responsive going forward. You guys do such a good job of giving us really useful feedback, the least we can do is ensure that you know you're being heard.

On a related note, I'm really excited about where Brewer's Friend is headed. We're going to have a lot of feature update rolling out (you should see the list - largely based on the feedback you guys give), along with more exciting news to share over the coming weeks and months.

If there's anything you guys need, don't hesitate to reach out. On here, via email... smoke signals... really, whatever works best for you. :lol:
