(CLOSED) Snapshot Recipe Heirarchy


Lifetime Member
Aug 12, 2012
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Change the way snapshot recipes are cataloged. Have snapshot recipes be a subordinate recipe to the base recipe. In the recipe list use a +/- button to show/hide snapshots. When collapsed the brew count should show the total number of times the beer was brewed (base plus snapshots).
Re: Snapshot Recipe Heirarchy

Nice idea! That would help me too as I have several snapshots floating around in my recipe list.
Re: Snapshot Recipe Heirarchy

I think the best way would be to code functionality to allow a "snapshot" recipe to become the "default" while archiving the old "default" recipe. That way, we can track the evolution of a recipe as we try tweaks, change, abandon changes that don't work and keep those that do. And, worst case, can revert if we get too far off track. A "snapshot" that failed the improvement test could also be archived to help prevent making the same error twice. I'm approaching this from the aspect of a Lean practitioner - experimentation is important but it's important to keep good records as well to know what you've done, what worked, what didn't - it's just the same as keeping records of process improvements in any business!
The new recipe folders feature should take care of any issues with this, without having to deal with elaborate nesting logic of snapshot recipes. Simply create folders as you see fit and drag and drop the items into the places you think they belong.
