Brewing Notes page


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Jun 13, 2017
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Would be nice to have a tab in the brew session for notes. I realize there is notes in "Logs and Mash cal" but having a full sheet of brewing notes would make things a easier and cleaner. I write everything that is happening on a sheet of paper then add the very most important stuff in the brew log. This would be an easy add.
You would like a “blank” free text page for notes?
I think that is what he is getting at. I like the idea. A tab for notes like "the dog took a slurp of wort dang it" or "didn't expect to be converted in 30 minutes". It wouldn't clutter up the brew log and could be as lengthy as you personally would like. I wouldn't use it a lot but in some cases for example barleywines built to age there would be plenty of room for me to add a comment annually and still not have to mess with the brew log. If trying to perfect 1 recipe by changing methods it would work also. 1 more tab in the brew session shouldn't add clutter to that session and could be handy.
i use the brew log ATM would be a good idea but im not the best at keeping notes. i record strike temps mash temp drops mash times mash steps,tastes fermentation time, ferment bumps,ferment crashs dry hope additions all in log atm.
You would like a “blank” free text page for notes?
Yes just a blank page (quick easy add...I do this type off stuff)
And like HopsFrist says just to add all the crazy stuff that happens in a brew day, "cause the dog took a slurp' has happend!. But more so for the fine tuning and of a session, temp change, Hop addition, adding fruit(mango) at what point. I would like to keep the brew log clean and tidy and haw all the crazy brewing I need to keep track of on a full when the hot about to happen...and you run out..of fuel!!!.......(no sexual reference intended)
Great idea! I've added that to our wishlist of features, and moved it near the top because (hopefully) it should be fairly routine and easy to add. Thank you for the idea!
also there is a blank for your notes under my notes, its not in the brew session but you make the title and content
Y'all keep working at it, one of these days you'll render my brew day sheet obsolete! Thanks!
