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Ward Chillington

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Mar 24, 2018
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Keeping up with the Joneszes...?

A little survey from my news feed to check in on for my fellow Americans.... although I don't know what kind of credibility we should give it....apparently, beer isn't brewed with hops...and Utah drinks more Bud than Maryand???
Yeah...kinda weird how there no correlation between number of breweries and consumption..Utah has 54 but consumes more than Maryland with 176 or N.Y. drinking a little more than either state, 20.something gallons with 666 breweries......ohhhh ...the evil brew! :eek::eek:,

Hmmm.....the devil's in the details!
Yeah...kinda weird how there no correlation between number of breweries and consumption..Utah has 54 but consumes more than Maryland with 176 or N.Y. drinking a little more than either state, 20.something gallons with 666 breweries......ohhhh ...the evil brew! :eek::eek:,

Hmmm.....the devil's in the details!
So Utah has a law no beer over 4% abv allowed on draught but bottles it doesn't matter.
This is where I herd it
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Utah has Mormons, who do not consume alcohol.

The data is per capita, which skews more densely populated states.

And there ain't much else to do in Montana...:rolleyes:
I knew that from my sister visiting there. Thank God they still will allow high abv in bottles!

I don't drink anything less than 5%, otherwise, what's the point?
Well my man I don't drink much beer over 5% Lol.
Actually the lady interviewed in that podcast was wishing she could just brew beer at 5% she rekons that's the sweet spot you get a bit more body from the alcohol and such.
She said OG 1.048- 1.052 is her sweet spot for all round beer.
Except for commercial brewing on draft in Utah which is what her job is.
I think I may had heard Jamil Z interview her before....gotta watch the link...did she get some ribbons with her work?
I think I may had heard Jamil Z interview her before....gotta watch the link...did she get some ribbons with her work?
Not sure but the podcast is in my post above Drew beecham i think did the poddy it's on creating/brewing session beer
Well my man I don't drink much beer over 5% Lol.
Actually the lady interviewed in that podcast was wishing she could just brew beer at 5% she rekons that's the sweet spot you get a bit more body from the alcohol and such.
She said OG 1.048- 1.052 is her sweet spot for all round beer.
Except for commercial brewing on draft in Utah which is what her job is.
I'm 6'2" and 130kg, so for anything not 5% or over, I'd have to drink about 15 to even feel them. Plus I feel they make you pee more, lol, maybe that's just me
My buddy brews an English Mild that is 3.8%...... I always have two big mugs of that beer when I go to his place. It's a crushable easy to drink beer but it also just tastes great! So I believe there are some beers worthy below the 5% ABV threshold. But hey that's just my opinion.
I’m like @Trialben pretty much everything I make is 5% or below.
I'm one of those brewers too. I brew mostly 5% or so and on occasional 6% pale ale. If I brew a big beer over 6%, I end up having it forever because I will drink the 5% over the big beers. I must be getting old.
Not sure but the podcast is in my post above Drew beecham i think did the poddy it's on creating/brewing session beer
Yeah, I'm trying to brew a mild recipe of his Cdjk mild. What the heck do you do when your boiling 1/3 of your wort way?
I knew that from my sister visiting there. Thank God they still will allow high abv in bottles!

I don't drink anything less than 5%, otherwise, what's the point?
But I like to drink beer all day, I make a beer that’s 3.5%… It’s called Lawnmower Man …. Because you can drink it all day… And still safe to run the Lawnmower, Man
Oh and who drinks Bud anyway:(
I'm another one of those 4-5 % drinkers.
Although both beers I have in the fermenter are actually high alcohol ones:rolleyes:
A saison and a tripel...
Meaning as soon as I got a fermenter free, I got to brew a lighter one:p
Most of my recipes are in the 5-6% ABV range. At 4% the beer just the body and flavor I want. Over 6% and the calories per bottle are hard to ignore. I've only brewed one dark mild so may try brewing one of the dark mild recipes you guys are brewing.
