Picture of our beer

Ozarks Mountain Brewery

Lifetime Member
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Established Member
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
if possible a picture of the beer we make "in a glass preferred" that will show on the recipe when pulled up, we would have to upload the picture our self like we do for our profile ??
I think that it would also be nice to take that little SRM beer mug that you generate in the recipe area, blow it up, and put that on the label. That way it represents the beer color without having to take a picture (I'm mostly lazy). I'm thinking mostly for posting on my board for my kegerator.
even better the SRM beer mug by default then if brewed the picture of the finished beer or if lazy :) just use the default lol
+1 At least one pic of the finished brew would be great. Even better would be the option to add multiple pics to a brew session.
Great ideas. Would be cool to have a pic of the finished product. Also, the idea of multiple photos inside a brew session could be fun. Especially when friends come over to help.
Definitely - multiple brew session pics!
+1 for me

I was actually just thinking this would be a nice to have, and thought to check the forums to see if anyone else was posting a feature request like this - lo and behold - there is one.

I already take pics during the lifecycle of a brew, and keep them in albums elsewhere to show friends. Being able to upload a pic of the finished product for a brew session would be sweet.

Being able to attach the pic also to the source recipe would be nice.

If it could be included in one of the label templates, also a nice to have.
I would also like the the feature to upload image of the final product or label.
New to the forum today. I used Brewer's friend this weekend to brew my first batch, so I decided to go for the yearly membership. I'd looked at a number of other brewing software out there and decided on this one as it just "felt" better to me than the others. I was actually just thinking this would be great and thought I'd check to see if anyone requested it. It would be great if we could add 3 types of photos:

1) An "official" photo of the beer for a recipe we create. This would be only one, user uploadable, and could be a picture of the beer, the label, whatever the person wanted.

2) Brew session photos. These would live on the brew session and could be public or private depending on what the user specified at time of upload (and could be changed later).

3) Other beer photos to the recipes you create. These would be different than the "official" one and would be useful for comparing photos of different batches. They could be public/private depending on what you set.

Just a suggestion!
